Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Today is Okay

I've never understood the idea behind blogging honestly. And yet here I am doing it. 2008 ended with a rather downhearted note for me. A close friend succumbed to cancer. We thought he was cured and then he got ill and then he got better and then he got pneumonia. It's a topsy turvy world, friends. The dice are shaking in the cup and they hold our lives and fortunes within their little pips. How will they land? Who's in control? You can get dizzy wondering about such things, watching that mighty hand shake and shake and shake. I've learned to focus on what I can control. And the only thing I have found that I actually do have control over is today. Today is Okay. I will make it through and manage a smile. I will crack a joke and I will throw a dollar into the tip jar at the coffee shop even though beans are outrageously overpriced. One toe at a time, minute by minute, I'll await the fall of the dice. No matter if its sixes or sevens, I will stake my gamble on life and live Today. Okay?

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